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3rd Eye News

Watch out for the Other Driver – Aggressive Driving can Lead to Road Rage

Aggressive driving behaviors can include speeding, frequent and unnecessary lane changes, tailgating, and running red or yellow lights. Road rage is different from aggressive driving in that it involves using a vehicle as a weapon against another driver. Incidents that lead to aggressive driving behavior often are often trivial in nature, and not something you might think would cause the explosions that characterize road rage. Violent traffic disputes rarely are the result of a single incident; rather, they are the additive result of a long list of troubles in the driver’s life.

What You Can Do
• Keep your emotions in check. Don’t take your frustrations out on other drivers.
• Focus on your own driving. Yelling, pounding on the steering wheel and honking your horn won’t make traffic move any faster.
• Don’t tailgate or flash your lights at another driver.
• If you’re in the left lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let the driver pass you.
• Use your horn sparingly.

If you do encounter an angry driver, don’t make matters worse by triggering a confrontation.
• Avoid eye contact.
• Steer clear and give angry drivers plenty of room.
• Don’t make inappropriate hand or facial gestures.
• If you’re concerned for your safety, call 911.

Aggressive driving behaviors create unsafe situations and can lead to road rage. Speeding is a contributing factor in a third of all fatal crashes, and the money cost to society due to speeding-related crashes is estimated to be $40.4 billion per year.

Blog courtesy of National Waste and Recycling Association. For more information visit